Qiujiang Lu (also named Q.J. Lu)

Independent researcher in Silicon Valley
Ph.D., 1989, University of Utah
(qlu @ mathwonder . org)


Physics, mathematics, software, and their multidisciplinary applications


  • Ph.D. degree in Atmospheric Sciences (cloud physics) from University of Utah in US
  • M.S. degree in physics from Nanjing University in China
  • B.S. degree in physics from Ocean University of China


  • N. Fukuta and Q.J. Lu, "The surface structure and properties of atmospheric ice crystals," Atmospheric Research , 38, 101-108, (1995).
  • N. Fukuta and Q.J. Lu, "Surface microphysical mechanism for ice crystal growth habit development," Atmospheric Research , 32, 31-43, (1994).
  • Q.J. Lu and N. Fukuta, "Pressure and temperature effects on the parameters of ice crystal plane growth in the surface liquid layer," Proc. Internat. Symposium on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice, Sappora, Japan, 1-6 September, 1991.
  • N. Fukuta and Q.J. Lu, "Edge and surface free energies at the solid-gas interface," Colloid and Surfaces, 55, 79-88 (1991).
  • Q.J. Lu and N. Fukuta, "Heating of hygroscopic aerosol in moist air," J. Aerosol. Sciences, vol. 21, No.6, 777-783 (1990).
  • Rong‐jue Wei, Yu‐ren Tian, and Qiu‐jiang Lu, "Absorption of sound in water fog composed of submicron droplets," J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 81, 1350-1354 (1987).